I remember my surprise when I first discovered that one of my friends wasn’t Jewish. I was twelve; I thought everyone nice was a Jew. My public elementary school closed on the Jewish holidays; even my 3500 student L.A. high
Together We Rise
Yesterday was the fifth Alliance for Girls conference. Largest attendance, best venue, more girls, more precise presentations. Great, devoted work byEmma and Kailin. I continue to be amazed at the vibrancy of these gatherings. There is a unified vision and
Othering and Belonging
Last week, I attended a conference with this name. While there was the inevitable “othering” of Trump and his supporters doing the conference, The four women who appeared at the end of it delivered a powerful message about the experience
New Publication: Patient Philanthropy
I’ve had a piece on the Eva Foundation’s work in nurturing Alliance fro Girls published in the NonProfit Quarterly. In it, I make the case that small foundations can have an outsize impact by becoming trusted members of the community
Ultimately, its got to be single payer
Its odd to me to see all the hubbub over ACA when ACA itself is not really such a great program. So I’m thinking maybe it would be good idea to let Trumpcare go ahead. If the goal is universal