So its been 9 months since my stenosis produced the painful and disabling symptoms I shared earlier. I’m pleased to report that I am mostly back to normal, other than being measurably weaker than I was in January. This remarkable
Inheritance: A Memoir of Genealogy, Paternity, and Love by Dani Shapiro My rating: 4 of 5 stars While this is definitely a good book and worth reading, I can never tell with these highly personal memoirs if the writer is
Mark Gunther, Medical Mystery
I have radiculopathy, pressure on the spinal nerves, caused by stenosis. Except my symptoms, weakness in the calves and feet, do not match the evidence seen on the MRI. Calf weakness should be driven by the nerves that exit from
Living with Half My Back
I’ve discovered, in my journey with stenosis, that I take my back for granted. This seems to me an absurd thing to say given the large number of episodes of spasm and soreness and stiffness I’ve had over the past
Less by Andrew Sean Greer My rating: 3 of 5 stars Arthur Less is a man with whom I can empathize, if not necessarily identify. A commitment to a self-abnegating vision of everything that happens to him sets him off