Measure Twice, Cut Once

is a literary essay about cycling long distances: My theory of bicycling. Measure Twice Cut Once was first published in Thin Air Magazine in April of 2017.


is the oldest organized bike ride in the world. 1225 kilometers in 3 1/2 days. My most painful and glorious bike rides. It happens every four years. I rode it twice. This link to the  2003 ride. is a normal narrative. This link to   2007 is all about pain.

Central Transcontinental Pac-Tour 2005

This Narrative of Pac Tour Central Continental in 2005 (this ride appears in Measure Twice, Cut Once) was written as blog posts. Pac Tour, Pacific -Atlantic Cycling Tours,  is the greatest bicycle touring company in the world. These posts are untouched since it was typed into my then-PDA with the folding bluetooth keyboard I carried.

2016 Peru Trip      &   2012 Peru Trip

I’ve taken two major road cycling tours in Peru, also with PAC Tour. These files are blog posts (with photos and spelling errors!) that describe each tour.

Ausungate Massif reaches 20,000 ft. The pass I’m standng on is 15,600.











A permanent is a designated route cataloged by Randonneurs, USA. Members of RUSA can register with the route owner (i.e. me) and do the ride to gain credit toward various prizes and mileage awards that RUSA grants. All our local permanents are listed at SF Randonneurs.  My Permanents: