In many ways, this is the queen stage of the tour; while in bike racing the queen stage often is the hardest stage, I think of it as the defining stage. This day encompasses all that made this tour great. although
Pampamarca to Puquio
We rode today in bright sunshine and cold air. If possible, the environment turned more desolate. Fewer towns, very little water, small groups of animals knawing at the ground with determination, seeking out the tiny grasses that had to be
Chalhaunaca to Pampamarca
Not classy enough, I guess; the glasses broke in half when I tried to put them on with one hand. Fortunately Dan had an extra. Thanks you Dan! A 7000 ft day today: the entire day was pretty much uphill.
Abancay to Chalhuanca
Last time I was here, this day was really hard, but I thought it was because I was sick. I’m glad to return and find out that, no, it actually is really hard. On paper, it shouldn’t be that hard,
Limatombo to Abancay
Well, today the scale tipped back to yeah, some parts of this adventure touring business are a pain in the ass, but OMG, WTF and you can even throw in a yikes or two. Today was 20K of down, 60K