After five years of careful building, Alliance for Girls has become an independent agency! AFG’s mission is to ensure that girl-serving organizations are more connected, more effective and better able to prepare the girls of today to be the leaders, agents of change and thriving women of tomorrow. AFG succeeds because its members are passionate about serving their girls and are united by a common methodology: listen to girls, follow their lead, and help them prepare for and achieve their goals.
I’m privileged to be the Chair of AFG’s new Board and work closely with our dynamic Executive Director, Emma Mayerson. Board members of young agencies often take on roles that in larger agencies are filled by staff. Here, while there will be some of this, from the beginning the requirements of trusteeship are front and center.
AFG already has influenced the conversation in the Bay Area and has a chance to do so nationally. I’m very much looking forward to the next chapter!